How Can Labiaplasty Surgery Enhance the Appearance of the Labia?

By: James Nachbar, MD, FACS


If you feel self-conscious about your labia, it can adversely impact your intimate relations. You might hesitate to be seen by your significant other. Labiaplasty surgery enhances the appearance of your labia to help give you confidence. It can also help lessen friction and irritation.

James Nachbar, MD, FACS at Scottsdale Plastic Surgery provides labiaplasty surgery in Scottsdale, AZ to reduce the extra tissue of the inner and outer labia. Dr. Nachbar has conducted labiaplasty surgeries for over 15 years. He uses modern techniques to create outstandingly precise results. He reduces the size of the labia and tightens the labia minora. He can also remove the excess tissue of the clitoral hood over the clitoris.

Do you have extra tissue on the labia minora and the labia majora?

A large labial area can make it difficult to exercise because the extra tissue rubs together and chafes, or gets caught in clothing. Biking and spinning can become especially painful. Also, the labia might be noticeable through tight clothing. Hair removal makes the labia more visible, which can make many women feel self-conscious. Sexual relations can also become painful if the enlarged labia get caught or pulled.

The labiaplasty procedure

Labiaplasty procedures differ between patients. Everyone is unique. Some women require only a minor “trimming” using a local anesthetic, but most women who see Dr. Nachbar for labiaplasty need a complete “wedge” labiaplasty, which takes away tissue within millimeters of the clitoris. A wedge labiaplasty is carried out using general anesthesia in an operating room using surgical telescopes. Dr. Nachbar tends to prefer wedge labiaplasty due to the superior results.

With a wedge labioplasty, the middle portion of the labia minora is removed, and then the tissue is tightened from the back to the front. For most, the clitoral hood is also tightened by extending the outer portion of the wedge in a forward direction on each side of the clitoris, but without making an incision placed directly over the clitoris. Most women care about the appearance of the labia from the front, and failing to reduce the extra skin at the clitoral hood will leave that area still more visible.

Dr. Nachbar at Scottsdale Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ customizes every labioplasty to help fit each patient’s needs. Some patients ask for what is referred to as a "More Complete" or “Barbie” labiaplasty, which involves creating a cleaner appearance by removing a substantial portion of the labia minora, and others may want a reduction of the labia majora, which can also be coupled with a labiaplasty.

What to expect after a labiaplasty

Most patients report minimal pain following a labiaplasty. It is normal for the area to swell, but you can use ice to reduce the inflammation. The incision may bleed for several days, but you can use a pad. You should avoid using a tampon. Also, avoid placing any pressure on the labial area until fully healed. It is suggested that you avoid sexual relations for at least eight weeks following the surgery.

Schedule a labiaplasty consultation in Scottsdale, AZ today

If you would like to learn more about labiaplasty surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Nachbar at Scottsdale Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ. He will discuss with you how a labiaplasty can enhance the appearance of your labia and provide additional benefits. Dr. Nachbar will answer any questions that you might have about the surgery and go over what results you can expect to achieve.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.