Ballpark Price Estimates for Various Plastic Surgery Procedures

We are often asked for "ballpark" prices for our procedures. We cannot provide exact price quotes until you come in to see Dr. Nachbar. Not every patient will be a candidate for every procedure, and some patients will require additional procedures at additional cost. Prices are subject to change, and are not guaranteed until you receive a personalized quote at your complementary consultation.

In addition, Dr. Nachbar uses a range of accredited facilities, including HonorHealth and other surgery centers. These typically have different prices, depending on whether you have a preference for a facility.

However, as you are looking at plastic surgery, we would strongly caution against making price your most important criterion. It is certainly less expensive to have surgery in a doctor's office or free-standing surgery center, and less expensive to use a nurse for anesthesia than a fully-trained physician anesthesiologist. Also, we have seen doctors without any plastic surgery training or much experience offer very low prices to attract unprepared patients. Be sure to do your homework -- see the Why Dr. Nachbar page and Picking A Plastic Surgeon page for quesions to ask and resources to check.

We also have information on financing available.

These prices include:

  • Dr. Nachbar's surgeon's fee
  • All visits before and after surgery (as many as needed)
  • Facility fee for the operating room, depending on facility
  • Anesthesia by a real physician Anesthesiologist
  • Implants, liposuction garment, and supplies


Ballpark Fee Estimates for Plastic Surgery:

Breast Augmentation
$7,000 (saline); $8,150 (silicone)

Mastopexy (Breast Lift)

Mastopexy with Breast Augmenation
$11,183 (saline); $12,333 (silicone)

Breast Reduction
$10,491 (plus pathology from hospital and pathologist)

Breast Reduction with Implants
$12,794 (saline); $13,944 (silicone)

Abdominoplasty (No-Drain Tummy Tuck)

Circumferential No-Drain Abdominoplasty

No-Drain Abdominoplasty with Mastopexy and Breast Augmentation
$21,423 (saline); $22,573 (silicone)

Circumferential No-Drain Abdominoplasty with Mastopexy and Breast Augmentation
$27,875 (saline); $29,025 (silicone)

No-Drain Abdominoplasty with Breast Augmentation
$17,116 (saline); $18,266 (silicone)

$9,761 (depending on areas, size, positioning, and time)

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)

Medial Thigh Lift (Inner Thigh; Extended)

Facelift (including neck, not including forehead)

Browlift (Forehead Lift)

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid lift)
$5,500 (uppers or lowers); $7,497 (uppers and lowers)

Buttock Implants

Pectoral (male chest) Implants

Labiaplasty (wedge technique)
$6,304 ($7,084 for more complete "Barbie" technique)

Rhinoplasty (nose reshaping)

Chin implant

$5,267 (one ear); $7,583 (both ears)


Ballpark Fee Estimates for In-Office Procedures:

In office procedures are typically only smaller procedures, done under local anesthesia. The price can vary depending on the size and complexity of what needs to be done, but again, these ballpark prices should give you an idea.

Botox - injected by Dr. Nachbar - $9.60 per unit

Tattoo - excision (per procedure if multiple excisions required): $1,200 - $2,200, depending on size and difficulty

Earlobe repair - simple tear, bilaterally:: $1,200

Earlobe repair - enlarged gauge hole, bilaterally:: $1,500

Small Mole removal, one: $800

Small Mole removal, four: $1,200

HA Facial Filler Injection (injected by Dr. Nachbar), full syringe (up to 1.2 cc): $575; half syringe (up to 0.6 cc) $375

Radiesse Facial Filler Injection (injected by Dr. Nachbar), per syringe: $900

This is not a complete list of the procedures Dr. Nachbar performs, but should give you a general idea of the costs of surgery.